The term ‘freeroll’ poker refers to two possible situations in a poker game – a freeroll poker hand and a freeroll poker tournament. The main use of the term refers to a tournament in which cash and prizes are offered to the winners but there is no entrance fee. The word freeroll is a way to describe a poker tournament that does not collect an entry fee. Remember though, the term 'no entry fee' and 'free' can have different meanings as some freeroll tournaments ask for fees at certain parts of the game. Online poker free money freeroll is somehow different from land-based casino freeroll.

The term ‘freeroll’ poker refers to two possible situations in a poker game – a freeroll poker hand and a freeroll poker tournament.

The main use of the term refers to a tournament in which cash and prizes are offered to the winners but there is no entrance fee.

Freeroll tournaments are a great way for online poker rooms to promote new features or attract new players and they are also a golden opportunity for new players to get some tournament experience without having too many overheads.

Click for details on history, hand rankings/nicknames and poker terminology/glossary.


Poker seems like a game with a simple rules only at a first glance. But everything becomes more complicated since the moment when you are starting to learn poker hand rankings: even at this point you can meet not very simple terms.

Poker is a very complicated game, which, besides having a lot of strategies and types of the game itself, has a lot of specific terms and concepts. Almost all poker terminologies had originated from US (a homeland of poker) and do not have any literary translation, that’s why most of them are used the same as in original allover the world.

Poker education from scratch for beginners (if they are seriously about learning how to play poker well) is accompanied by a constant curiosity to poker terms. Most likely, that you will know some poker terms already (from articles/movies/forums etc.). For example, such poker terms as bluff, pokerface, and all-in are known for almost everyone and these are words associated with poker. But it’s unlikely that many will be aware what means, for example, float or squeeze.

Freezeout definition

That’s why we have compiled this poker glossary, where you can get a good grasp of some of the common and more advanced poker terms.

This glossary of poker terms is in alphabetical order. All the poker terms in this glossary are separated into groups depending on what exact character starts any of them. For a fast search of a term we recommend to use browser search tool (Ctrl + F).

Our poker glossary has almost all poker terminologies (including basic poker terms and advanced poker terms)& hat you can see on poker sites, forums, educational articles or videos. There’s a separate page for every term, that will help you to understand what one or another term in poker means, as well as you will get some tips on where you can get more of useful information on a specific theme. If for some reason you can’t find one or another term in our glossary, let us know about that and we will add this terms as soon as possible.

It’s not easy to learn all the poker terms from our glossary. That’s why you would need to return to it every time when you will hear or read a word that you don’t understand, or just to refresh some of the information in your head.

Poker terms and phrases - terminology of poker

Poker is not just a game, but a whole science, with its own rules (see rules of poker), strategies, as well as special words, that players use for a faster and more effective exchange of information.

We have tried to create the most extensive and complete glossary of poker terminology, where you would be able to find all the game terms, and beginning players would be able to get a good grasp of poker terminology. Here you would find both basic poker terms, which are used on a daily basis, and the more advanced ones.

Freeroll Tournament Definition

It’s quite important to learn poker terminology, as this knowledge will help you on a long run (if you are planning to play poker regularly).

Poker terminology can not be separated from the slang of the game (poker slang words). Since poker had been developing for a few centuries (most often in pubs and casinos), it can be said, that slang is an integral part of poker terminology.

Terminology of poker, that can be found in this section of our site, can be applied to most varieties of poker games (for example Hold’em, Omaha, Stud, Razz, etc.).

Knowledge base's sections

Freeroll Definition

DefinitionFreeroll Definition

The best about poker

Freeroll Poker Tournaments Definition

  • Five reasons why I've made money and continue doing this playing poker
    The psychology of poker
  • The fundamental theorem of poker
    Poker theorems
  • The probabilities of getting specific starting hands on preflop
    Poker mathematics